
All Business

* Super flexible design perfect for all types of ecommerce stores--the possibilities are endless!
See it as an apparel store:
As a jewellery store:
As a toy store:

* Fixed width 2 column display
* Matching button set included
* Matching icons
* Home Page slideshow included
* Cross Browser tested using Firefox, IE8, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
* Integrated links to your Twitter and Facebook
* W3C Valid XHTML and CSS
* Custom header including shopping cart totals (item count and dollar amount), checkout link, search, currencies with drop down menu, and languages.
* Comes with the following modules installed: BetterCategoriesEZinfo, Column Layout Grid, About Us Page, Footer Menu , Designer Monthly Boxes
* No changes to core files

插件版本: 1.5
下载链接: All Business

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日