
Art Store Template

This is a relatively 'simple' template I created for a client who was going to open an online art shop, but the recession caught up with him and he's abandoned the idea.

Rather than let it go to waste, and 'gather dust' I thought I'd release it on the Zen website as a free template.

The only provisio is, if you do use it, then please leave the "Zen Cart Theme by UKTNET © 2009" intact at the foot of the page.. Maybe we can recoup some of our time costs in linkage!

The template is bright and breezy (hopefully arty) with different coloured buttons for the Home, Login etc buttons.. The buttons designed to look a bit like an artists palette.

The template does not use product tabs, nor a search field in the header.

For end user simplicity, I've set it up to use STORE_NAME as the logo, but if you want to design, create and use a graphic logo, then comment out the _div_ tag containing the code for STORE_NAME and uncomment the line using the conventional logo image.

View the template live at the following:


插件版本: 1.01
下载链接: Art Store Template

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日