
Admin New Order

This plugin adds the ability for administrative users to add new orders to Zen Cart from the administrative interface. The interface blends into the existing customer management page with the addition of a single "new orders" button.

After creating a new order, this plugin will send the user to a page for editing orders. Currently this is done through integration with the plugin "Edit Orders 4.x". You will need to install "Edit Orders 4.x" prior to installing this plugin.

Edit Orders 4.x is here:

Features of this new version:
[*] Can add a new order to an existing customer
[*] Adds to the order history a log of the admin user who created the order
[*] Can restrict via Admin Profiles

插件版本: 1.4.1
下载链接: Admin New Order

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日