
Alternative Header 1.1a

Alternative Header V1.1a by MikeG based on Alternative Header 1.1 by Sketchy

This mod will place the links for login, shopping cart and other links into the image header rather than on a bar of its own. See www. for an example of what can be done with this. If also centers the search bar.Look at a screenshot for what it does exactally.

Installation instructions:

1) Navagate to includes/templates/YOUR TEMPLATE and rename YOUR TEMPLATE to your template name.

2) Drag and drop as file sturcture is intact.

3) Note: I have included the stylesheet.css file so that lettering will show in the header. You might have to toy with this if you have make extensive modifications.

插件版本: 1.1a
下载链接: Alternative Header 1.1a

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日