

This is a boilerplate that utilizes HTML5 Boilerplate v4.2.0, a project from H5BP currently maintained by Nicolas Gallagher, Paul Irish, Mathias Bynens, Divya Manian, and Hans Christian Reinl and Mobile Boilerplate v4.2.0, a project from H5BP currently maintained by Alex Gibson, Nicolas Gallagher, and Shi Chuan. It also utilizes Serban Ghita's Mobile Detect 2.6.0.

This is not a template but rather a base that detects the device being used. It will render the same Zen Cart classic template that displays as in the original installation but it has the necessary tools to build a Responsive Template whether you wish to use Bootstrap, Foundation or any other open source frameworks available.

插件版本: 1.0.1
下载链接: Boilerplate

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日