
Ezpages Footer Columns

This mod allows you to organize the ez-pages footer links into columns.

* You can choose in admin how many columns to have (up to 9).
* You can define a heading for each column (it may be an image if desired).
* You can set in admin the display order of links in each column.
* You can define one or more subheadings in each column.
* You can define a comment to go below each link.
* You can highlight the link for the current page, if any.
* You can style columns individually if desired.
* The default Home link in the footer is disabled; you can include a home link as an ez-page internal link.
* Menu display content is all compatible with multiple languages (even though stock ez-page contents are not).

Support thread at

插件版本: 1.1
下载链接: Ezpages Footer Columns

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日