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Zen Cart 源代码 whatsnew_1.3.9a.html

Zen Cart 源代码 whatsnew_1.3.9a.html


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whatsnew_1.3.9a.html - 关闭高亮
  1. <!--   latest update: r15996
  2. /**
  3. * @package documentation
  4. * @copyright Copyright 2003-2010 Zen Cart Development Team
  5. * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
  6. * @version $Id: whatsnew_1.3.9a.html 16111 2010-04-29 22:39:02Z drbyte $
  7. */
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  39. <title>Zen Cart 中文版v1.3.9a新增功能</title>
  40. </head>
  42. <table class="intro" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="6" border="3" width="748px" align="center">
  43. <tr><td class="intro">
  44. <center><h1 class="intro">欢迎使用 Zen Cart 中文版 ...</h1></center>
  45. <br />
  46. Zen Cart&trade;软件使用的是GNU通用公共许可协议,您可以免费使用、修改Zen Cart&trade;软件。
  47. <br />
  48. <br />
  49. 虽然该软件是免费的,但是欢迎您每次下载新版本前捐款,以帮助我们继续软件开发、升级,和维护免费论坛。
  50. <br />
  51. <br />
  52. 捐款网址:
  53. <a href="http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=infopages&pages_id=14" target="_blank">Zen Cart&trade; 团队</a>
  54. <br />
  55. <br />
  56. 感谢您的支持<br />
  57. <em>Zen Cart&trade; 团队</em><br />
  58. <br />
  60. <span class="small">
  61. Zen Cart&trade; 源自: Copyright 2003 osCommerce<br />
  62. 该软件希望提供有用的功能,但[不做保证],也不保证[适用于特定用途]<br />
  63. 该软件受限于GNU通用公共许可协议<br /><br />
  64. </span>
  65. </td></tr></table>
  67. <br />
  68. <table border="3" width="748px" align="center" cellpadding="6">
  69.   <tr>
  70. <td align="center"><img src="osi-certified-120x100.png" /><br />
  71. 该软件通过OSI开源软件认证。<br />
  72. OSI Certified是开源动力的认证标志。</td></tr></table>
  73. <br />
  75. <table border="3" width="748px" align="center" cellpadding="6">
  76.   <tr>
  77. <td>
  78. <h1>修改日志 - 修改文件列表</h1>
  79. <p>自v1.3.8后的修改文件的列表,见<a href="changelog-v1-3-9a.html" target="_blank">changelog-v1-3-9a.html</a> </p>
  80. <h1>*** SECURITY REQUIREMENT ***</h1>
  81. <p>For added security, Zen Cart&trade; comes with several .htaccess files already included in various folders to help provide protection against unwanted visitors
  82. and even against mis-use of your site in the unfortunate situation of your site being hacked. These protections prevent hackers from using your site as phishing sources.</p>
  83. <p>However, for these built-in protections to work, your web hosting server administrator MUST set the AllowOverride directive
  84. in the server's apache configuration (the server's master httpd.conf file)  to "All" or at least ensure it includes these parameters: 'Limit Options Indexes'.<br />
  85. <pre>ie:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AllowOverride All<br />
  86. or: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AllowOverride Limit Options Indexes</pre><br />
  87. Without these settings, you will likely encounter "<strong>500 Internal Server Error</strong>" messages when attempting to access various parts of your site, including perhaps the zc_install installer script. </p>
  88. <p>If your hosting company won't let you use OPTIONS directives in your .htaccess files, you can comment those with a #, or you can upgrade to v1.3.9b which has already done that for you.</p>
  89. <p>Storeowners hosting on Windows Servers using IIS instead of Apache may need to remove the .htaccess files and rework them into suitable equivalents within your IIS configuration. See Microsoft's IIS website for specific assistance.</p>
  90. <h1>ADDITIONAL NOTE ABOUT .htaccess FILES</h1>
  91. <p>Inside some folders is an .htaccess file that lists certain *permitted* filetypes which may be accessed. (Anything else is blocked to prevent abuse on your site).</p>
  92. <p>The side-effect of this is that if you choose to use media types that are not already listed in the *permitted* list, then your visitors will not be able to see those resources. </p>
  93. <p>Thus, if you are using product images that are not in the list of permitted types in your /images/.htaccess, you will need to add those types to the list.</p>
  94. <p>Similarly, if you are using certain media types in music product previews, you will need to make sure those are in your /media/.htaccess </p>
  95. <p>And, if you are using filetypes for downloadable products that are not already listed in your /pub/.htaccess and /download/.htaccess you will need to add those as well.</p>
  96. <h1>Zen Cart&trade; Minimum Requirements</h1>
  97. <p>PHP 4.3.2 or higher, Apache 1.3.30 and MySQL 3.23.x or higher.</p>
  99. <h1>版本v1.3.8到v1.3.9的升级说明</h1>
  100. <p>如果从<strong><u>Zen Cart v1.3.8</u></strong>升级,很简单:<br>
  101.   - 比较所有修改的文件... 将您修改过的地方,重新添加到新文件中<br>
  102.   - 上传新文件 (含您自己修改过的部分) 到服务器<br>
  103.   - 上传<span class="filename">zc_install</span>目录到服务器,运行<span class="filename">zc_install/index.php</span> <br>
  104.   ... 在系统检测页面,选择<strong>升级数据库</strong>,执行相应的升级。</p>
  105. <p>如果从<strong><u>v1.3.7之前的版本</u></strong>升级, 请查看&quot;<a href="2.readme_how_to_upgrade.html">如何升级</a>&quot;文档,位于/docs目录。</p>
  106. <h1>重要说明</h1>
  107. <ul>
  108. <li><span class="style1">安全:</span><span class="error"> 在商店"正式"运营前,请仔细阅读并实施<a href="./important_site_security_recommendations.html" target="_blank">网站安全建议</a></span>。如有疑问,请联系主机商,保证设置正确。<br>
  109. <br>
  110. </li>
  111.   <li><span class="style1">支付模块:</span> <span class="error">Many changes have been made to the Authorize.net (SIM/AIM/eCheck), PayPal (IPN/Standard/Pro/Express), Linkpoint/FirstData payment modules. <strong> If you are using any of these modules</strong>, you will need to Remove and re-Install the modules via Admin-&gt;Modules-&gt;Payment in order for them to work properly.</span> (Write down your settings first, for easier re-configuration!) <br>
  112.         <em>If you don't remove+reinstall them, you will have some blank spaces in your configuration settings when you attempt to edit them next.</em> <br>
  113. <br>
  114. ALSO: NOCHEX and Offline CC Module have been removed from core for PCI/PA-DSS reasons.
  115. </li><br />
  116. <li><strong class="style1">SHIPPING MODULES</strong> All the built-in shipping modules have been updated. <br /><span class="error">For EACH one that you're using, you will need to Remove and re-Install the module in Admin-&gt;Modules-&gt;Shipping in order to make them work properly.</span> (Write down your settings first, for easier re-configuration!) <br>
  117. <br>
  118. </li>
  119. <li><strong class="style1">ORDER TOTAL modules</strong> ...<span class="error">All the OT modules have been updated with fixes.<br>You will need to Remove and re-Install each module in Admin-&gt;Modules-&gt;Order Total in order to make them work properly.</span> (Write down your settings first, for easier re-configuration!) <br>
  120. <br>
  121. </li>
  122. </ul>
  123. <h1>升级模板</h1>
  124. Zen Cart中文版的模板系统从v1.3.x开始有很大变化。因此,您有两个选择:
  125. <ul>
  126. <li>使用新的样式表并适当修改,来升级已有的模板;或者</li>
  127. <li>如果想基本不用表格、模板代码更紧凑,更好的方法是新建一个模板(基于缺省的template_default模板),重新定制。</li>
  128. </ul>
  131. <p>有关升级模板的更多细节,请访问用户论坛。</p>
  132. <br />
  133. <p><strong>1.3.9的模板改动</strong>(自 1.3.8)很小,直接合并你的替代文件就行了。</p>
  135. <h1>新增功能 ... </h1>
  136. <h3><strong>下面是版本v1.3.9中包含的修改: </strong></h3>
  137. <ul>
  138. <li>PHP 5.3.x compatibility
  139. <li>PCI scan improvements to prevent commonly-reported false-positives
  140. <li>SSL-detection improvements
  141. <li>Session Handling improvements for shared-SSL configurations to deal with IE-specific quirks</li>
  142. <li>Session-Handler improvements: closing when done, removed redundant start, etc</li>
  143. <li>Search improvements
  144. <li>Hack-attempt detection improvements
  145. <li>Add .htaccess for /images/ folder, and security updates to many others as well</li>
  146. <li>Canonical URL support added for product pages and product listings. See /includes/init_includes/init_canonical.php</li>
  147. <li>Developer Toolkit Improvements (smarter searches, case-sensitive options, etc)
  148. <li>USPS module updated to RateV3 API and includes all updates posted to March 2010
  149. <li>PayPal UK - 3D-Secure support added</li>
  150. <li>PayPal micropayments support added</li>
  151. <li>Added CURL processing for PayPal IPN handling in case fsockopen() is disabled or failing
  152. <li>Various updates to PayPal, Linkpoint (now renamed to FirstData) and Authnet Payment modules
  153. <li>Split tax line support integrated
  154. <li>Added per-EZ-page stylesheet support
  155. <li>Fix ISO country/currency errors in default SQL file (old countries removed, etc)
  156. <li>Fixes/updates/additions of various notifier calls
  157. <li>MySQL 6-alpha preliminary compatibility
  158. <li>Updates to spiders.txt file for stronger efficiency and more up-to-date data
  159. <li>Improvements to configure.php file read-only detection (automatically sets to read-only if found writable, and permissions allow it)
  160. <li>Various performance improvements, including freeing up wasted memory to make things run more lean
  161. <li>PHP error logging automatically enabled by default, since errors are not displayed to the browser (for security reasons)
  162. <li>Turn off autocomplete on cc-number fields so browsers don't store/retrieve that information </li>
  163. <li>Spam slamming via tell-a-friend is now throttled</li>
  164. <li>Admin-login-slamming protection - added delays to prevent brute-force password attacks</li>
  165. <li>Add safety to payment modules to prevent attempt to re-install once already installed, since that has always thrown ugly (although harmless) SQL errors on the screen</li>
  166. <li>Authorize.net system change required alteration of transaction_id field size (details posted on forum months ago)
  167. <li>Include PayPal rename from verisign.com to paypal.com for all services using the old service which was obsoleted in Sept 2009. (Details for fix also posted on forum)
  168.  <br>
  169.   <br>
  170.   <br>
  171. </li>
  172. </ul>
  173. <h3>补丁</h3>
  174. <ul>
  175. <li>Posted bugfixes for v1.3.8 (see forum: http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82619 and http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=140 )
  176. <li>Posted (on forum) security fixes
  177. <li>BUGSFORUM-168 Added stronger detection of suhosin usage: now disables certain features which are incompatible with suhosin, instead of throwing errors in places like whos_online
  178. <li>"Catchable fatal error" fixes
  179. <li>Tax calculation fixes in various places
  180. <li>Fix division-by-zero errors in ot_coupon.php and ot_group_pricing.php
  181. <li>Various fixes to Gift Certificate, Coupon, Group Discount, etc order-total modules
  182. <li>Customer DOB was getting erased if admin edited customer data and min DOB length was set to 0
  183. <li>Error when deleting ALL attributes
  184. <li>Tell-A-Friend was sending wrong URL if product used alternate product-type
  185. <li>Category metatags could not be removed once added
  186. <li>Unknown column "o.orders_id in 'on clause' when using admin order search
  187. <li>Back button navigation tweaks
  188. <li>TEXTAREA attributes with character limit could delete typed text when limit reached
  189. <li>queryFactoryResult errors addressed
  190. <li>Can no longer delete categoryID=0 ... which could happen in limited cases, thus deleting all products and categories unexpectedly.
  191. <li>Spiders could occasionally trigger PHP server errors if they attempted to add-to-cart
  192. <li>Spiders list updated and pruned</li>
  193. <li>Session handling improvements including wiser parsing of tld
  194. <li>Fixes to email handling
  195. <li>IE8 fix to admin UI
  196. <li>Fix for credit-covers issues when using loworder-fee type modules
  197. <li>Fix some secure/nonsecure warning triggers
  198. <li>Fix Discount Coupons to allow for:<br />
  199. - Add All Products in 1 Cat<br />
  200. - Remove All Products in 1 Cat<br />
  201. - NOTE: you specify DENY or ALLOW and that is how you ADD or REMOVE<br />
  202. - Allow Links to Products or Categories in ordered list plus popup help<br />
  203. </li>
  204. <li>Various multiple-language bugs
  205. <li>Added ability to define DB_CHARSET to automatically trigger a mysql SET NAMES statement if needed for things like UTF8 support, preventing the need to edit the db class
  206. <li>various banner-manager date fixes
  207. <li>various fixes to media-collection components such as media-manager, sort-orders of clips, etc
  208. <li>Fix GV balance display on side panel when customer has a balance but no order and was displaying as $0.00
  209. <li>bug in admin reviews pagination
  210. <li>Prevent display of HOME_PAGE_META_KEYWORDS etc if people mistakenly skip that part of their upgrade. Defaults to normal content as if define was set to blank.
  211. <li>Various admin page fixes to javascript validation code
  212. <li>fix bug which prevented admin from getting copies of "all" coupon emails sent out (was only getting a copy of the last email sent)
  213. <li>eliminate secure warnings when Customer is not logged in and adds to cart then hits checkout and merge carts happen and return to shopping_cart and hit submits to update cart etc.
  214. <li>Shipping Estimator is displayed open on shopping_cart vs being a button
  215. <li>fix incorrect display of tax rate when deleting tax rates
  216. <li>Fix category look up to use master_categories_id
  217. <li>Fixes SaleMaker Priced by Attribute
  218. <li>Fixes Admin Display of Product Category from displaying "something" on Linked Products
  219. <li>Fix categories name lookup based on product master_categories_id vs random categories_id from products_to_categories
  220. <li>Fix navigation on add/cancel featured/specials from products_price_manager and back
  221. <li>Fix breadcrumbs not to include products_name when on listing and Display Cart is off and does not break Reviews
  222. <li>Fix salemaker bug on Entire Catalog not being selected on edit when set
  223. <li>fix broken reviews where reviews are stuck on same product and work like specials and new products
  224. <li>fix for dropped connections on timeouts due to slow external methods
  225. <li>Fix function free_shipping_weights value on Product weight and Attribute weight in shopping cart
  226. <li>Added noindex,nofollow to admin pages to aid in reducing admin indexing if logins are bypassed somehow
  227. <li>force use of SSLv3 in authorize.net modules (system requirement by authnet)
  228. <li>fix to prevent countries from being deleted if currently assigned to address_book records
  229. <li>zones shipping module: Auto build additional Zones when $this->num_zones is changed and already installed
  230. <li>Add SSL-detection support for Zeus SSL Accelerator/Load-balancer by detecting HTTP_SSLSESSIONID
  231. <li>fix small logic bug in sqlpatch tool
  232. <li>Admin specials: Prevent GIFT from being put on Special in Manual entry just like in regular entry
  233. <li>fix: Storage of email_html in email_archive table problematic
  234. <li>incorporate forum-suggested change to accommodate upper-case characters in phpbb usernames
  235. <li>Fix bug on duplicate Discount Coupon success message
  236. <li>regex fixes on cc validation class for better detection of card types
  237. <li>fix order-status pulldown on admin orders page for consistency
  238. <li>switch the whois lookup in whos_online to domaintools site instead of dnsstuff
  239. <li>PayPal Express Checkout now uses default email-format when creating an account
  240. <li>add additional port support for gmail
  241. <li>search page was showing slashes in some cases if search result came up with no records found
  242. <li>added warning to admin to indicate if /admin/ folder hasn't been renamed
  243. <li>fix address-format inconsistency bug (if multiple address-book entries are shown and include different formats, page was only observing the format of the *last* item in the list, not honoring each individual address's proper format code)
  244. <li>BUGSFORUM-798 - fix store-manager bug which croaks when using Optimize DB if database name has hyphens in it
  245. <li>fix credit covers problems in coupon
  246. <li>fix rounding error and ensure $cost is a number not a string
  247. <li>fix zone restriction problems in some shipping modules
  248. <li>BUGSFORUM-801 - fix newsletter signup box bug where checkbox is auto-selected and user deselects it
  249. <li>BUGSFORUM-809 - language typo
  250. <li>BUGSFORUM-442 - quick fix for strict data-typing in 1.3.9 for product update pages in admin.   (v2.0 uses proper bindvars approach)
  251. <li>add robots_example.txt to help minimize some confusion on the matter
  252. <li>Set up 301-Redirect if a spider attempts to visit a URL that contains a ZENID, in effect removing the zenid from the spider's database
  253. <li>BUGSFORUM-546: 111219: Paypal IPN orders not recorded if order-total addons are missing language files
  254. <li>BUGSFORUM-632: 117422: PayPal Shipping Labels Not Sync'ing
  255. <li>Workaround to accommodate BUGSFORUM-281: 90799: function replace_accents(), Japanese, PayPal
  256. <li>Partial fix to various PayPal bugs where IPNs weren't allowing proper creation of orders due to MySQL Strict Data typing issues.
  257. <li>add stock check before Express Checkout commences, preventing checkouts if stock-checks would normally prohibit
  258. <li>PayPal updates - safer handling for PaymentReview transactions
  259. <li>PayPal - can now enable address-override switch if store model requires it</li>
  260. <li>PayPal website payments pro now asks merchant to choose which country their PayPal account is located in, since this more accurately drives how the module should be communicating
  261. <li>PayPal - fix bug causing wrong order-status to be set on refunds, resulting in them disappearing from orders list
  262. <li>Add paypal language defines for auto-added descriptions in line-item calcs
  263. <li>Rudimentary PayPal FMF support to prevent throwing of errors
  264. <li>authorize.net modules: fix missing $messageStack references
  265. <li>Skip sending first 4 digits of CC number in order-confirmation email (security requirement)
  266. <li>Fix missing Refund option for Express Checkout
  267. <li>Add notifier to shipping/payment classes, to allow contribs to hook in and disable
  268. <li>Add additional notifiers to order class
  269. <li>Fix broken notifier functionality in PayPal IPN</li>
  270. <li>change ereg* functions to equivalent preg functions for PHP 5.3 and PHP 6 compatibility
  271. <li>Fix wrong order of info on order-status-update emails
  272. <li>Fix text to use correct text for each review when set to greater than 1
  273. <li>Fix image or missing image on reviews edits and previews
  274. <li>Fix bug to Prevent Password Forgotten from being sent as blank when set to 0 length
  275. <li>Fix mismatched functions on building path to wrong category when Linked Products exist
  276. <li>Disable the storing of auth_code details as part of customer comments and customer order-confirmation emails, for fraud-prevention reasons
  277. <li>Options Values Manager - Bring sort order input field into vertical alignment with header and other column contents
  278. <li>referrals report - Fix broken dates and times months don't have 32 days and days are 24 hours
  279. <li>BUGSFORUM-820 - error in tax_basis determination for ot_shipping
  280. <li>UPS/USPS - Fix minimum weights when 0 to be 1 ounce (.0625 pounds)
  281. <li>USPS - Add missing Priority Mail International Regular/Medium Flat-Rate Boxes/Priority Mail International Small Flat-Rate Box
  282. <li>USPS - Fixing codes to make USPS happy with changes to ISO and expected country names
  283. <li>USPS/UPS - quick cheap hack to pass expected codes back and forth between _getQuote() and quote().
  284. <li>Fix missing backslashes in usps which was breaking intl quotes
  285. <li>Fix bug where Discount Quanties get copied on Copy Product to Duplicate when marked not to be copied
  286. <li>Order class - pass on the ID values from cart to order for easier parsing during order processing
  287. <li>ot_coupon - fix restrictions - Base zone restrictions on Delivery for Free Shipping or Billing for Amount or Percentage
  288. <li>Bugfix - prevent duplicate messageStack entries
  289. <li>Some template updates, added bindvars to guard against sql injection
  290. <li>Fix for cart class breaking on update where there is an upload and a checkbox involved
  291. <li>Backport support for embedded image attachments in emails which was supposed to be in 1.3.8 and got missed somehow
  292. <li>Email html checkout template was inserting store name in duplicate
  293. <li>Fix race condition when updating counter history
  294. <li>Add ability to set certain countries to show at top of pulldown list, defaulting to store's default country
  295. <li>Fix Discount Quantities to recognize the Discount Type: NONE to properly disable Discount Quantities and not break calculations
  296. <li>Trap errors that occur when users fail to properly upload lang file with modules
  297. <li>Fix Per Unit to not require change to Maximum 5000
  298. <li>Fix wording on % amount of Order Total on Zones and Table Rate - can mix/match dollar/percentage
  299. <li>Fix Handling Fee per Box/Order mismatch and add a choice for Weight oriented shipping methods
  300. <li>Packing slip and invoices - Fix format_id for billing address
  301. <li>IPN updates to identify EC transactions more easily, as long as core code doesn't get changed by end-users
  302. <li>Fix for lack of proper static  properties in php4, also fixes problems with notifiers in ad hoc instantiated classes, ie order class
  303. <li>Fix missing restrictions limit on coupons
  304. <li>Show tax desc in tax-rates window to more easily spot empty descriptions which can be confusing
  305. <li>Prevent admin-side edits from mangling &amp; into & when editing ez-pages
  306. <li>Fix missing manufacturers filter for displaying Manufacturers with Products to match sidebox setting from Maximum Values
  307. <li>Fix image to load on all attributes on multiple select of Option Values
  308. <li>option values manager - Fix for multiple languages showing multiple records for same value when multiple languages
  309. <li>Remove redundant code in index_filters, improving performance
  310. <li>Fix ceil error where amounts are less than 0, such as ceil(.6/.2)
  311. <li>ot_coupon Fix for Minimum Amount to be based on Product totals based on the Restrictions not the full Total Order
  312. <li>BUGSFORUM-980 - If customer changes spelling of CITY on PayPal end, the change wasn't reflected in the customer's/order's address details.
  313. <li>zc_install no longer checks CURL over proxy if regular CURL test fails
  314. <li>BUGSFORUM-982 - Fix minor bug where messageStack alert not being shown, due to syntax error, with payment/shipping modules missing language files.
  315. <li>Fix bold cheapest bug in shipping estimator to match checkout_shipping
  316. <li>Fix problems caused by using double-quotes in attribute option names/values</li>
  317. <li>Add additional notifiers for tare/shipping/quote/cheapest to shipping control class</li>
  318. <li>Fix bug with virtual-content-cart sending customers back thru checkout-payment and confirmation screens a second time after returning from paypal express checkout</li>
  319. <li>BUGSFORUM-1008 - fix issue with newsletters not sending properly due to queryFactoryObject error caused by typo</li>
  320. <li>BUGSFORUM-1005 - fix typo in shipping estimator parameter, which was causing duplicate "name" attributes on input field, thus causing validation error</li>
  321. <li>BUGSFORUM-1014 - fix bad ID problem in shipping methods selector in checkout_shipping template</li>
  322. <li>Add note to USPS debug emails to tell the recipient how to turn them off, since so many are confused by it.</li>
  323. <li>Updates to linkpoint-api (firstdata) payment module</li>
  324. <li>Fixed order-of-operations problem with cached data</li>
  325. <li>BUGSFORUM-1022 - fix problem with PCI false-positive when invalid $_GET['sort'] parameter is injected on URL (PCI patch posted in Nov)</li>
  326. <li>BUGSFORUM-1034 - Remove security vulnerability from the CURLTEST.PHP script, and removed other dev-use-only files</li>
  327. <li>CURLTEST.PHP renamed </li>
  328. <li>BUGSFORUM-514 - Storage of email_html in email_archive table problematic
  329. <li>Reduce a loop of lookup queries on top-level cat display in admin</li>
  330. <li>Fix potential XSS vulnerabilities in various admin files</li>
  331. <li>BUGSFORUM-1041 - fix broken forms which prevented search from working properly in products-purchased admin report</li>
  332. <li>BUGSFORUM-1036 - prevent ability for 'free_free' to be set by POST contamination on the shipping page</li>
  333. <li>BUGSFORUM-1027 - state selection incorrect in address book edits when pulldown enabled</li>
  334. <li>Stop storing CC EXPDATE in orders table for gateway modules, for PA-DSS reasons</li>
  335. <li>BUGSFORUM-1044 - JPY currency adjustments in EC module</li>
  336. <li>BUGSFORUM-610 - Incorrect decimal value 'f' when free-shipping selected</li>
  337. <li>Fix ot_coupon bug on minimum values where comparison is a string and not a value</li>
  338. <li>Fix broken search in admin product screens where Search is broken as soon as editing is done and search is lost
  339. <li>Fix admin Add New Product when Search is set, cannot add a new product as no known category is set to assign to new product
  340. <li>Fix installer to properly ignore commented lines in configure.php files when reading prior settings as part of an upgrade</li>
  341. <li>Fix admin categories navigation glitches</li>
  342. <li>Installer update: no longer raises warning-flag if "cgi" version of PHP is in use.</li>
  343. <li>Admin comments in order status history which are set to -1 will not be shown to customers
  344. <li>Fix group pricing/discount coupon bug
  345. <li>BUGSFORUM-1082 - linkpoint_api payment module fixed array vs string error
  346. <li>Fix bad SQL joins in music_genre filter and record_company filter code</li>
  347. <li>Fix alpha sort functionality with music_genre and record_company filters</li>
  348. <li>BUGSFORUM-191 Fix bug preventing address-book-process from properly updating the State field when no zones exist for selected country, caused by not properly validating the $_POST input which is blank when page is first drawn.</li>
  349. <li>Fix problem of order-confirmation submit button allowing multiple submits/clicks, resulting in duplicate orders</li>
  350. <li>Fix broken rounding problem when calculating number of boxes for shipping quotes</li>
  351. <li>Fix banners not activating based on date NULL needed to be 'NULL'</li>
  352. <li>Fix banners dates for midnight or they do not expire or start on right day</li>
  353. <li>Fix admin customers report: Report was combining people with same name, changed to customers_id </li>
  354. <li>Music products - Fix wrong categories_id for copy and fix methods update fields to match formats in product_general</li>
  355. <li>BUGSFORUM-288 - trim spaces from contact-us email address to prevent being rejected</li>
  356. <li>BUGSFORUM-904 - Admin product preview screen - Added check to make sure key POST fields actually contain data. If not, do error trapping, instead of saving blanks. </li>
  357. <li>BUGSFORUM-1156 - fix priced-by-attrib problem with negative values
  358. <li>"last login" date for customers logging in with new accounts is now set correctly</li>
  359. <li>Changed default permissions set on uploaded files to 644 from 777</li>
  360. <li>Fix wrong header response on some pages during down-for-maintenance</li>
  361. <li>Fix double mention of GV amount in emails</li>
  362. <li>BUGSFORUM-603 - Salemaker expiry performance problems for sales starting and ending on same day</li>
  363. <li>admin metatags picks up defines from custom template if set</li>
  364. </ul>
  365. </td>
  366. </tr>
  367. </table>
  368. <br /><br />
  369. <p align="center"><em>Zen Cart 中文版 版权所有 2004 - 2010</em></p>
  370. <br /><br />
  371. </body>
  372. </html>