
Apple Zen Template

See in action:

This Template has been updated to work with Zen Cart 1.5 and has been tested in 1.3.9. May work in earlier versions but has not been tested.

This template is designed to increase in size as font size is increased in the browser, keeping the same aspect ratio. Even the logo is designed to resize (optional). In this template, I've also included some extra features, such as a horizontal drop down menu which includes your categories. Also included is the Order Steps Table-less module which gives your customer a visual indicator of where they are in the order process.

This template is designed to **ONLY** have sideboxes on the right side of the page, and will automatically move all left sideboxes over to the right side. It is NOT possible to have sideboxes on the left side with this template, but if you forget to go to the Layout Boxes Controller in the admin and change all sideboxes to the right, your left boxes will still display, but they will display below any right sideboxes.

I've included three extra colors... red, blue, and grey. To change colors, simply open up includes/templates/apple_zen/css/stylesheet.css, and un-comment the color you want to use, and comment out the color you don't want to use. You'll also need to open up includes/templates/apple_zen/css/stylesheet_header_menu.css to change the colors in the drop down menu.

插件版本: 2.7
下载链接: Apple Zen Template

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日