
Template Alterations



A series of Black buttons, only for English versio

First, sorry for my poor English. I designed a series of black buttons for my company, and I want to share them to you all. This is a Pic of my buttons. I only Designed the English version, and I also add a fireworks PNG files in the rar files in order for you to modify....

Add to Cart Buttons

This mod will add an "add to cart" button under each product qty box on the "all products", "featured products", "new products", and "category" listings. 插件版本: 1

Additional Image Titles

This mod allows you to add titles to product additional images on the product info page. - If a defined constant is found for an image, the title will be displayed. - You can globally set the titles to display above or below the image. ####################################################################################################_ Modified...

Additional Images Hover with Main Image

Hovering over the additional images replaces the main image. 插件版本: 1.5

Additional images relocated with CSS

This contribution relocates additional images below the product main image using CSS, the latest version of Zen Cart files and is XHTML-compliant. Explanations make it very easy to customize the look of the product page. 插件版本: 1.1

AJAX Banner Swapper

A module to make your site able to swap its banners, with full compatibility to Zen-Cart banner reporting system. I got the idea from this site: See it in action here: You can download the module from here, but if it is possible for you, please...

All Products Virtual -- No Shipping

You've got a store that sells only virtual products, so none of your products require shipping information. You still need to collect your customer's address-related information, whether for tax-determination or other purposes. This plugin modifies the display of the checkout process, recognizing that the checkout_shipping page will never be used;...

Alternative Header

This is a simple template that changes the order of the compontents in your header. Instead of the home and log in bar being at the top, where it may possibly be missed or scrolled past very quickly, it places this bar underneath your shop logo. I wanted this on my store so thought id make a quick contribution to help others. Screenshots included....

Attribute image replaces main product image on sel

This module provides the functionality to get the attribute image in place of main product image when user selects the particular attribute. This functionality has a full control through admin. It can made on and off using admin. It is very easy to integrate with zen cart. To use this functionality , copy this module and run the sql query using...

Attributes on Product Listing

This module allows you to add attribute options on the product listing. That way, your customers can select size/color/whatever and add to cart directly from the category page. 插件版本: 2