
Admin Tools



Invoice Link for "orders" action column

The purpose of this code is to place an icon named Invoice in the Action column of the Admin Orders web page. Clicking on the icon will move the row placeholder to the order associated with that invoice, and pop up the invoice associated with that rows order number. 插件版本: 1

IP Blocker for Zen Cart v1.5.0+

This plugin allows your store's admin to identify IP address ranges that are blocked from access to your store. The code for this plugin is based on the like-named plugin for Zen Cart versions 1.3.8/1.3.9, but has been updated to remove deprecated PHP function calls and other improvements. Refer to the plugin's readme.html file for details....

IP Blocker v1.0.0 for Zen Cart v1.3.8/1.3.9

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IP Blocker v1.0.0 for Zen Cart v1.3.8 by $d - noblesenior@ gmail .com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last update : September 10, 2009 License: GPL (please see license.txt)...

JK Order Exporter

This module provides a simple interface for exporting order information on a Comma-delimited file (.CSV) You can choose a date from which the report should be made you can chose an end date as well This module will load your order status list and you would be able to select what status you wish to see a report of. see image screenShot.jpg This mod...

Keyword Categories

Group products by keywords found in the title or description. By searching for a keyword, users can select from a products list of titles and images, then copy multiple items into a category. 插件版本: 0.0.2v

Linked Products Report

Your store currently makes use of Zen Cart's "Linked Products" feature. This plugin provides an admin-level report, accessible via Reports->Linked Products, that identifies, for each linked product: 1. The name of the product's Master Category, with a link to that category. If the master_category_id for the product is invalid, this...

Login Spruce Up - Admin

This module is purely for aesthetic purposes, which is to make your admin login screen more attractive. You'll have it installed in 2 minutes. 插件版本: 1.3

Mass reset customer passwords

This contribution contains a zipped Excel file with SQL version of the PHP code ZenCart uses to create the hashed password. You can update one customer record or migrate a DB into ZenCart and create thousands of correctly hashed passwords in a few minutes. Backup your customer table: As with any direct update to Zen Cart’s tables, there is the...

Master Password

Allows a master password to be set so that one could log in to any user account. (as an alternative you might consider using the alternate "encrypted master password" contribution for added security) 插件版本: Only for v1.5.1


Merchant RMS is a SaaS based risk management system that provides scores for each of your transactions, without affecting your e-commerce sales process. The higher the score, the greater is the possibility of the transaction in question being fraudulent. There are very few steps to setup and few complexities to deal with. The server infrastructure...