
A Bunch of Buttons (C)

There are 18 different button sets in 3 zip files. They are all rectangular in shape so that there are no issues with background colors creating jaggies around curved shapes. The button background images are included with the files if you want to create new buttons or add pictures. The sets also contain the "logoff" button that always seems to be missing from other sets, plus some alternate designs or phrasings.

You can preview the buttons at or view the screenshot image in the zip file.

To install, unzip the file and copy all the images from the set you wish to use into the directory: includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/buttons/english/ and Zen Cart will automatically detect and use them when your template is active.

These buttons are free for private and commercial use provided you do not license, sell, or distribute them.

Have fun!

T. E. Breitenbach

插件版本: 1
下载链接: A Bunch of Buttons (C)

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日