
TheBigThree Email Trigger Campaign

These are trigger emails sent at a set time before the three major Holidays; Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

Like all MailBeez Modules the email content is taken from a template, the list of products is defined in a sub-template.

requires Aftersales Automatic Trigger Email Campaigns with Modules (5min installation) which can be found on: GET THIS FIRST!

This particular mod creates 3 new tables in your database with all the major holidays dates for the next 5 to 11 years. So once a year it will automatically send out greetings for these for these time periods(It was all I was able to figure out for each holiday. Easter and Thanksgiving were a little tricky being they are on different days every year)

插件版本: 1.0.1

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日