
Other Modules



Captialize Sign-up Fields

This is a simple javascript enhancement for the sign-up page which checks and amends the capitalization of user entries on the client-side before they are submitted. As you tab out of each field in the sign-up form, the script reformats the capitalization to one of two possilble formats - 'Capped Words' or 'ALL CAPS' in the case of the...

Carousel Featured Products

This mod utilizes the flexibility of carouFredsel with the convenience of the Zen Cart featured products module. Once installed, you will be able to choose whether to display the featured products on the home page neatly inside a carousel that is controlled by the viewer or the standard Zen Cart display. PLEASE NOTE: This is a jquery based mod so...

CarryTheOne Data Link for Accountancy Integration

This contribution provides the link for CTO's accountancy integration service that allows you to import your Zen Cart orders and customers into your accounting application (KashFlow, Xero, FreshBooks or e-conomic). To install simply upload one file to your catalog root. 插件版本: v1.3.1


CATEGORIES CENTER BOX FOR INDEX PAGE AND EZPAGES This is just a slight upgrade to the Categories Centerbox Module from NUMINIX so that categories can be shown in a centerbox onyour homepage plus your ezpages. Ideal if you are using EZPAGES to make landing pages on your shopping cart giving potential customers easier navigation back to your...

Categories menu - replace with ul/li

Works fine with v1.3.8 and I think v1.3.7 replace /includes/templates/NAME_OF_YOUR_TEMPLATE/sideboxes/tpl_categories.php 插件版本: 0.9

Categories Tabs Rollover Style

This contribution allows you to have background rollover images on your category tabs. Currently it only does the top level tabs and does not provide for tabs or pull down menus on the subcategories, however it is a simple istall and the results are very effective. 插件版本: 1.1a

Categories-Tabs Dressing

This mod adds individual class tags to items in the categories-tabs menu in the Zen Cart header, so they can be styled as desired. The stock class tags are not altered. Other functionality may be added in the future if requested in the support thread. 插件版本: 1

Category Specific Access Restriction (CSAR)

The standard Zen Cart installation can be configured in Admin _ Configuration _ Customer Details asf: Customer Shop Status - View Shop and Prices Customer must be approved to shop 0= Not required 1= Must login to browse 2= May browse but no prices unless logged in 3= Showroom Only Selecting any of these options assigns conditions 0-3 globally,...

Category Tab Simple Dropdown Menu

This mod adds a very simple CSS dropdown menu to the Category Tab. It is a single level only so it will display subcategories or products depending on what the category contains. 插件版本: 1.5.1

Ceon Back In Stock Notifications

The Back In Stock Notifications is an extremely handy module which lets customers subscribe to a notification list for a product that has gone out of stock. The subscription process is completely automated, customers don't have to have an account to subscribe themselves, but if they do the subscription is automatically associated with their...