
Account Holders

This is a simple rework of the existing CHECK/MONEYORDER Module, and it behaves in exactly the same way as CHECK/MONEYORDER. The fundamental difference is that it creates a Payment Option (at STAGE 2 of CHECKOUT) titled "Account Holders Only". Shoppers who select this option will be able to complete checkout and will be informed that if they are legitimate account holders, their order will be shipped and they will be "billed" or "invoiced" at a later date.

The module DOES NOT have any feature that AUTHORISES shoppers to be Account Holders and neither does it require a shopper to enter an account number, PO Number.

More explanatory detail is in the README, so download the zip file and open up README.

This has been tested on 1.3.5, 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 and seems to work fine. We also tested it with CHECK/MONEYORDER also enabled, and there were no apparent conflicts.

插件版本: 1.1
下载链接: Account Holders

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日