
Super California Sales Tax

**Includes the April 1, 2011 sales tax changes to 13 cities.

The required files in this add-on apply sales tax according to the billing
city and on the invoices/order details, the tax is labeled according to
county (since the BOE needs to know which counties to send the money to).
Your bookeeper will love you for this. Example: Order from Granada Hills, CA
--_ Los Angeles County CA 9.75% Tax: $xx.xx on the tax line in the order.

The optional files are to export the following information into an excel
spreadsheet: order #, date, customer name, address, county and rate,
subtotal, tax, shipping and total. The possibilities for this are endless.
You could easily sort the lines by alphabetizing the "County" column then
use a function to total up how much tax was paid. Again, a bookeeper's

1. In Super Orders 3.0, the tax does not get listed in the horizontal column
of order details/invoice, however it is still in the vertical column with
subtotal and shipping charges.
2. The same issue is found during checkout and in the customer’s account
details. However, this is fixed by taking out a few lines of code. If this
is an issue for you (ie you only tax in CA), let me know and I'll post the
solution here.
3. The Export History page does *not* mark which orders have previously been
downloaded; for the moment, simply take note of which order you left off
with on the last download. This is my highest priority to fix.
4. The Export History exports all orders, not just CA. Not sure if this is a
good thing or just annoying.

插件版本: 1.2

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日