
Product Delivery by Postcode (PDP)

Product Delivery By Postcode (PDP) allows restricting delivery of certain products to specified (local) postcodes.
PDP relies on two shipping modules:

the new shipping module named Local Delivery
a modified Store Pickup shipping module

These two modules need to be configured first by specifying delivery postcodes of orders.

If a customer states a delivery address which is within the range of the configured postcodes then these 2 shipping modules will be available during the checkout process. If the delivery address is outside the specified range then the customer can not choose any of the 2 shipping options.

The real benefit of PDP is realized by configuring some products which can only be delivered locally. This is useful when you have very big and bulky parcels such as bales of hay.

PDP could also be used for a pizza shop that delivers pizzas.

Or, you are selling perishables which can only be delivered locally due to temperature restrictions - eg bags of party ice.

Products marked 'Local Delivery Only' are identified on the product info page as 'Local Delivery Only'
The customer is alerted about the restriction but they can still add the product to the cart (they may elect to change the delivery address later)

插件版本: 1.4.0

该商品加入分类的日期为 2015年 01月 03日