[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/crs/crs_misc_functions.php on line 37: mime_content_type(): Empty filename or path
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/crs/crs_misc_functions.php on line 37: mime_content_type(): Empty filename or path
Zen Cart 源代码 footer.php

Zen Cart 源代码 footer.php


文件名: footer.php
文件类型: PHP文件
文件大小: 862 Bytes
MD5: 7f7bdb88c0d2ce3023f95a4610b8db5c

footer.php - 关闭高亮
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3.  * footer code - calculates information for display, and calls the template file for footer-rendering
  4.  *
  5.  * @package templateStructure
  6.  * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
  7.  * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
  8.  * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
  9.  * @version $Id: footer.php 3428 2006-04-13 05:03:41Z drbyte $
  10.  */
  11. if (!defined('IS_ADMIN_FLAG')) {
  12.   die('Illegal Access');
  13. }
  14. $time_start = explode(' ', PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME);
  15. $time_end = explode(' ', microtime());
  16. $parse_time = number_format(($time_end[1] + $time_end[0] - ($time_start[1] + $time_start[0])), 3);
  18. if (STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true') {
  19.   error_log(strftime(STORE_PARSE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) . ' - ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' (' . $parse_time . 's)' . "\n", 3, STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME_LOG);
  20. }
  21. ?>