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Zen Cart 源代码 whatsnew_1.3.9e.html

Zen Cart 源代码 whatsnew_1.3.9e.html


文件名: whatsnew_1.3.9e.html
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whatsnew_1.3.9e.html - 关闭高亮
  1. <!--
  2. /**
  3. * @package documentation
  4. * @copyright Copyright 2003-2010 Zen Cart Development Team
  5. * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
  6. * @version $Id: whatsnew_1.3.9e.html 16992 2010-07-26 02:12:18Z drbyte $
  7. */
  8. //-->
  9. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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  11. <!--
  12. body, table{ font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px; }
  13. table.intro {border-color:#C96E29; }
  14. td.intro{background-color:#EEEEEE; border-color:#5778ce; font-size:11px; }
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  38. -->
  39. <title>Zen Cart 中文版v1.3.9e新增功能</title>
  40. </head>
  42. <table class="intro" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="6" border="3" width="748px" align="center">
  43. <tr><td class="intro">
  44. <center><h1 class="intro">欢迎使用 Zen Cart 中文版 ...</h1></center>
  45. <br />
  46. Zen Cart&trade;软件使用的是GNU通用公共许可协议,您可以免费使用、修改Zen Cart&trade;软件。
  47. <br />
  48. <br />
  49. 虽然该软件是免费的,但是欢迎您每次下载新版本前捐款,以帮助我们继续软件开发、升级,和维护免费论坛。
  50. <br />
  51. <br />
  52. 捐款网址:
  53. <a href="http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=infopages&pages_id=14" target="_blank">Zen Cart&trade; 团队</a>
  54. <br />
  55. <br />
  56. 感谢您的支持<br />
  57. <em>Zen Cart&trade; 团队</em><br />
  58. <br />
  60. <span class="small">
  61. Zen Cart&trade; 源自: Copyright 2003 osCommerce<br />
  62. 该软件希望提供有用的功能,但[不做保证],也不保证[适用于特定用途]<br />
  63. 该软件受限于GNU通用公共许可协议<br /><br />
  64. </span>
  65. </td></tr></table>
  67. <br />
  68. <table border="3" width="748px" align="center" cellpadding="6">
  69.   <tr>
  70. <td align="center"><img src="osi-certified-120x100.png" /><br />
  71. 该软件通过OSI开源软件认证。<br />
  72. OSI Certified是开源动力的认证标志。</td></tr></table>
  73. <br />
  75. <table border="3" width="748px" align="center" cellpadding="6">
  76.   <tr>
  77. <td>
  78. <h1>修改日志 - 修改文件列表</h1>
  79. <p>自v1.3.9d后的修改文件的列表,见<a href="changelog-v1-3-9e.html" target="_blank">changelog-v1-3-9e.html</a> </p>
  80. <h1>*** SECURITY REQUIREMENT ***</h1>
  81. <p>For added security, Zen Cart&trade; comes with several .htaccess files already included in various folders to help provide protection against unwanted visitors
  82. and even against mis-use of your site in the unfortunate situation of your site being hacked. These protections prevent hackers from using your site as phishing sources.</p>
  83. <p>However, for these built-in protections to work, your web hosting server administrator MUST set the AllowOverride directive
  84. in the server's apache configuration (the server's master httpd.conf file)  to "All" or at least ensure it includes these parameters: 'Limit Indexes'.<br />
  85. <pre>ie:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AllowOverride All<br />
  86. or: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AllowOverride Limit Indexes&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</pre><br />
  87. <em>(NOTE: You must also add "Options" if uncommenting OPTIONS directives in your .htaccess files)</em><br /><br />
  88. Without these settings, you will likely encounter "<strong>500 Internal Server Error</strong>" messages when attempting to access various parts of your site, including perhaps the zc_install installer script. </p>
  89. <p>Storeowners hosting on Windows Servers using IIS instead of Apache may need to remove the .htaccess files and rework them into suitable equivalents within your IIS configuration. See Microsoft's IIS website for specific assistance.</p>
  90. <h1>ADDITIONAL NOTE ABOUT .htaccess FILES</h1>
  91. <p>Inside some folders is an .htaccess file that lists certain *permitted* filetypes which may be accessed. (Anything else is blocked to prevent abuse on your site).</p>
  92. <p>The side-effect of this is that if you choose to use media types that are not already listed in the *permitted* list, then your visitors will not be able to see those resources. </p>
  93. <p>Thus, if you are using product images that are not in the list of permitted types in your /images/.htaccess, you will need to add those types to the list.</p>
  94. <p>Similarly, if you are using certain media types in music product previews, you will need to make sure those are in your /media/.htaccess </p>
  95. <p>And, if you are using filetypes for downloadable products that are not already listed in your /pub/.htaccess and /download/.htaccess you will need to add those as well.</p>
  97. <h1>Zen Cart&trade; Server Requirements</h1>
  98. <p>服务器配置要求:<br />PHP 4.3.2 或以上版本,Apache 1.3.30 和 MySQL 3.23 或以上版本。</p>
  99. <p>建议配置:<br />PHP 5.3.2 或以上版本,Apache 2.2 或以上版本,MySQL 4.1 或以上版本。</p>
  100. <p>虽然 Zen Cart 也可以在 Windows/IIS 服务器上运行,但最好用 Linux/Apache 服务器。</p>
  102. <h1>版本v1.3.9a/b/c/d到1.3.9e的升级说明</h1>
  103. <p>如果从<strong><u>Zen Cart v1.3.9a 或 1.3.9b 或 1.3.9c 或 1.3.9d </u></strong>升级,很简单:<br>
  104.   - 比较所有修改的文件... 将您修改过的地方,重新添加到新文件中<br>
  105.   - 上传新文件 (含您自己修改过的部分) 到服务器<br>
  106.   - (从 v1.3.9a 到 v1.3.9b 或 v1.3.9c 或 v1.3.9d 或 v1.3.9e 不需要升级数据库)<br />
  107. </p>
  108. <p>如果从<strong><u>v1.3.9a</u></strong>之前版本升级,请查看&quot;<a href="2.readme_how_to_upgrade.html">如何升级</a>&quot;文档,位于/docs目录。</p>
  110. <h1>新增功能 ... </h1>
  111. <h3><strong>从版本 1.3.9d 到 1.3.9e 包括了以下更新: </strong></h3>
  112. <ul>
  113. <li>Added some missing currencies to 3D-Secure lookup facility</li>
  114. <li>Fixed small error in /editors/.htaccess which caused some problems with TinyMCE addon</li>
  115. <li>Fix broken whos-online cart display</li>
  116. <li>Added removal for "%" symbols in product names when submitting details to PayPal for rare cases where it could cause a transmission error</li>
  117. <li>improve search-query syntax to work better when large numbers of subcats are involved</li>
  118. <li>fix issues related to incorrectly-URLencoded NOTIFYURL and RETURNURL and CANCELURL params being sent to PayPal</li>
  119. <li>BUGS-135 - When deleting categories, the salemaker_sales table wasn't updated to reflect the removal</li>
  120. <li>BUGSFORUM-1171 - Advanced search was failing when searching on price and from-price = to-price</li>
  121. <li>BUGSFORUM-1279 - Line Items not sent to PayPal properly</li>
  122. <li>BUGSFORUM-1288 - handle occasional overly-url-encoded data received back from PayPal</li>
  123. <li>BUGSFORUM-1324 - mitigate minor/rare sql injection risk</li>
  124. <li>BUGSFORUM-1330 - trap cases where submitted session name is illegal (helps mitigate against false-positive PCI scans)</li>
  125. <li>BUGSFORUM-1343 - explode() expects parameter 2 to be string ... in functions_general.php line 566</li>
  126. <li>BUGSFORUM-1353 - adjust tax group totals for shipping tax, so that it is not affected by the general ratio discounting method when include_shipping = false, and split tax lines are enabled</li>
  127. <li>BUGSFORUM-1370 - small syntax error in rarely-used section of email code</li>
  128. <li>BUGSFORUM-1371 - Clearing quantity field on shopping cart page should be the same as entering "0"</li>
  129. <li>BUGSFORUM-1378 - fix small error in detection of $this_is_home_page in certain cases</li>
  130. <li>BUGSFORUM-1362 - fix broken &lt;/td&gt; tags in some admin input pages</li>
  131. <li>BUGSFORUM-1355 - Authorize.Net SIM - checkout_success page doesn't show css or images because of broken base-hrefs</li>
  132. <li>Fix missing delete from coupon_restrict when products_id or categories_id is removed</li>
  133. <li>Fix bug where checking for additional images when switch is set to off could cause some excess server load</li>
  134. <li>Added more order details to the $order_summary array which is passed to checkout-success</li>
  135. <li>Change system-information lookup to check for availability of exec() function before blindly using it in case it's been disabled by server admin</li>
  136. <li>Updated spider-detection list</li>
  137. <li>Added PHP6 support into error-logging util</li>
  138. <li>note: phpBB setup steps removed from the zc_install screens. One can manually set the phpBB path into configure.php by hand if needing that functionality.</li>
  139. </ul>
  140. </td>
  141. </tr>
  142. <br /><br />
  143. <p align="center"><em>Zen Cart 中文版 版权所有 2004 - 2010</em></p>
  144. <br /><br />
  145. </body>
  146. </html>