[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/crs/crs_misc_functions.php on line 37: mime_content_type(): Empty filename or path
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/crs/crs_misc_functions.php on line 37: mime_content_type(): Empty filename or path
Zen Cart 源代码 mysql_upgrade_zencart_138_to_139.sql

Zen Cart 源代码 mysql_upgrade_zencart_138_to_139.sql


文件名: mysql_upgrade_zencart_138_to_139.sql
文件类型: Unknown文件
文件大小: 6.35 KiB
MD5: 6c69f527bc4780e6cc5d61a44f27a0c2

mysql_upgrade_zencart_138_to_139.sql - 关闭高亮
  1. #
  2. # * This SQL script upgrades the core Zen Cart database structure from v1.3.8 to v1.3.9
  3. # *
  4. # * @package Installer
  5. # * @access private
  6. # * @copyright Copyright 2003-2010 Zen Cart Development Team
  7. # * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
  8. # * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
  9. # * @version $Id: mysql_upgrade_zencart_138_to_139.sql 18235 2010-11-23 22:41:05Z drbyte $
  10. #
  12. ############ IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ###############
  13. #
  14. # * Zen Cart uses the zc_install/index.php program to do database upgrades
  15. # * This SQL script is intended to be used by running zc_install
  16. # * It is *not* recommended to simply run these statements manually via any other means
  17. # * ie: not via phpMyAdmin or via the Install SQL Patch tool in Zen Cart admin
  18. # * The zc_install program catches possible problems and also handles table-prefixes automatically
  19. # *
  20. # * To use the zc_install program to do your database upgrade:
  21. # * a. Upload the NEWEST zc_install folder to your server
  22. # * b. Surf to zc_install/index.php via your browser
  23. # * c. On the System Inspection page, scroll to the bottom and click on Database Upgrade
  24. # *    NOTE: do NOT click on the "Install" button, because that will erase your database.
  25. # * d. On the Database Upgrade screen, you'll be presented with a list of checkboxes for
  26. # *    various Zen Cart versions, with the recommended upgrades already pre-selected.
  27. # * e. Verify the checkboxes, then scroll down and enter your Zen Cart Admin username
  28. # *    and password, and then click on the Upgrade button.
  29. # * f. If any errors occur, you will be notified.  Some warnings can be ignored.
  30. # * g. When done, you'll be taken to the Finished page.
  31. #
  32. #####################################################
  34. # Set store to Down-For-Maintenance mode.  Must reset manually via admin after upgrade is done.
  35. UPDATE configuration set configuration_value = 'true' where configuration_key = 'DOWN_FOR_MAINTENANCE';
  37. # add switch for new split-tax functionality
  38. INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Show Split Tax Lines', 'SHOW_SPLIT_TAX_CHECKOUT', 'false', 'If multiple tax rates apply, show each rate as a separate line at checkout', '1', '22', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now());
  40. # Clear out active customer sessions
  41. TRUNCATE TABLE whos_online;
  42. TRUNCATE TABLE db_cache;
  43. TRUNCATE TABLE sessions;
  45. # garbage collection for old paypal sessions:
  46. DELETE FROM paypal_session WHERE expiry < unix_timestamp();
  48. UPDATE banners set banners_url = 'http://www.zen-cart.com/partners/payment' where banners_url = 'http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=infopages&pages_id=30';
  49. DELETE from banners where banners_url like'%sashbox%';
  51. ## Country ISO changes:
  52. DELETE FROM countries where countries_iso_code_2 = 'FX' or countries_iso_code_3 = 'FXX';
  53. DELETE FROM countries where countries_iso_code_2 = 'ZR' or countries_iso_code_3 = 'ZAR';
  54. UPDATE countries SET countries_name = 'Serbia', countries_iso_code_2 = 'RS', countries_iso_code_3 = 'SRB' where countries_iso_code_3 = 'YUG';
  55. UPDATE countries SET countries_name = 'Timor-Leste', countries_iso_code_2 = 'TL', countries_iso_code_3 = 'TLS' where countries_iso_code_3 = 'TMP';
  56. UPDATE countries SET countries_name = 'Moldova' where countries_iso_code_3 = 'MDA';
  57. UPDATE countries SET countries_name = 'Macao' where countries_iso_code_3 = 'MAC';
  58. UPDATE countries SET countries_iso_code_3 = 'ROU' where countries_iso_code_3 = 'ROM';
  60. # security data cleanup
  61. update orders set cc_cvv = '' where cc_cvv != '' and orders_status != 1;
  63. # force USPS module into production mode if not already
  64. UPDATE configuration SET configuration_value = 'production' where configuration_key = 'MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_SERVER';
  66. ALTER TABLE authorizenet CHANGE transaction_id transaction_id bigint(20) default NULL;
  67. ALTER TABLE paypal CHANGE COLUMN notify_version notify_version varchar(6) NOT NULL default '';
  69. ALTER TABLE orders_products ADD INDEX idx_prod_id_orders_id_zen (products_id,orders_id);
  70. ALTER TABLE orders ADD INDEX idx_cust_id_orders_id_zen (customers_id,orders_id);
  72. # fix counter_history race condition
  74. CREATE TABLE counter_history_clean as
  75. SELECT * FROM counter_history WHERE 1 GROUP BY startdate;
  76. DROP TABLE counter_history;
  77. RENAME TABLE counter_history_clean
  78. TO counter_history;
  80. ALTER TABLE counter_history ADD PRIMARY KEY(startdate);
  82. #cleanup damaged media-manager content
  83. delete from media_to_products where media_id not in (
  84. SELECT media_id
  85. FROM media_manager);
  86. delete from media_clips where media_id not in (
  87. SELECT media_id
  88. FROM media_manager);
  90. #Clean up rogue content
  91. DELETE from record_company_info where record_company_id in (
  92. SELECT record_company_id
  93. FROM record_company where record_company_image like '%.php');
  94. DELETE FROM record_company where record_company_image like '%.php';
  97. #############
  100. ## THE FOLLOWING 2 SECTIONS SHOULD BE THE "LAST" ITEMS IN THE FILE, so that if the upgrade fails prematurely, the version info is not updated.
  101. ##The following updates the version HISTORY to store the prior version's info (Essentially "moves" the prior version info from the "project_version" to "project_version_history" table
  103. INSERT INTO project_version_history (project_version_key, project_version_major, project_version_minor, project_version_patch, project_version_date_applied, project_version_comment)
  104. SELECT project_version_key, project_version_major, project_version_minor, project_version_patch1 as project_version_patch, project_version_date_applied, project_version_comment
  105. FROM project_version;
  107. ## Now set to new version
  108. UPDATE project_version SET project_version_major='1', project_version_minor='3.9h', project_version_patch1='', project_version_patch1_source='', project_version_patch2='', project_version_patch2_source='', project_version_comment='Version Update 1.3.8->1.3.9h', project_version_date_applied=now() WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Main';
  109. UPDATE project_version SET project_version_major='1', project_version_minor='3.9h', project_version_patch1='', project_version_patch1_source='', project_version_patch2='', project_version_patch2_source='', project_version_comment='Version Update 1.3.8->1.3.9h', project_version_date_applied=now() WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Database';
